Italian citizenship / Pixabay
Italian citizenship / Pixabay

In general, Italian citizenship is obtained ‘ius sanguinis’, this means having an Italian parent. However, it is possible to obtain citizenship by meeting different conditions.

The matter is governed by Law No 91 of 5 February 1992.

Italian heritage or marriage

1. Italian citizenship is acquired automatically if you are the child of an Italian mother or father. Also, if you are the child of stateless or unknown parents, provided that you were born in Italy.

2. A foreign minor who is adopted by an Italian citizen automatically acquires the citizenship of our country as well.

3. Citizenship is also acquired by descent from a person who originally had Italian citizenship, and later transferred to another country. In this case it is necessary to be able to prove the descent from the person who was originally an Italian citizen.

4. Citizenship is also acquired by marriage to an Italian citizen.

Italian residence

5. A further way of acquiring citizenship as a foreigner is by residing in Italy for an extended period, no less than ten years. However, for this to happen other circumstances must be considered.  

6. For foreigners born in Italy, the period will be three years instead of ten. For citizens of other European countries, the period of Italian residence must be four years.

7. Citizenship may also be recognised for the benefit of the law or for special merits, the latter granted by the President of the Republic to those who have rendered eminent services to Italy or when there is an exceptional interest of the State.

This matter has recently been dealt with by the security decree (law no. 132/2018 in force since 4 December 2018).

The deadline for the conclusion of the proceedings has been increased from 24 to 48 months. It was also provided that the applicant (in case of request for citizenship by marriage) speaks Italian in an appropriate manner.

If the "new" Italian citizen reports a criminal conviction for certain crimes, there is a Law 132/2018 provided for the revocation of citizenship.